Making data about the use of public resources more widely available has the potential to support a better process for allocating those resources, in which citizens’ priorities are center-stage. However, despite substantial investments in making fiscal data open more open, there are serious question marks about the extent to which greater fiscal transparency has really helped citizens or governments to follow the money and shape the use of public resources. Transparency does not automatically translate into greater accountability for the use of public resources, or greater effectiveness in addressing problems that people experience relating to public service delivery; poorly trained teachers, a lack of medicines, limited access to drinking water, and crumbling infrastructure. Data often fails to meet users’ needs, users lack the capacity to use data, and transparency initiatives are at times too top down, and insufficiently focused on supporting efforts to address particular service delivery problems.
The challenge
Our approach
Our approach Starting with problems, and driving towards solutions, we partner with governments and civil society organizations across the world, at national and sub-national levels, to support their efforts to use data about public resources - revenues, allocations, expenditures and results - to understand and shape the institutional and political dynamics that are at the heart of sectoral and service delivery challenges. Through doing this work, we also generate evidence and insights about how the data landscape might be improved, about the effectiveness of different strategies for opening fiscal governance, and about the ways in which efforts to use fiscal data to address service delivery challenges can best be supported. We use this evidence to inform the evolution of the fiscal governance agenda