Our Approach

If you can find the data that you need, and are able to use it, data can fuel the journey from problem to solution. We help you to understand what data you need, what data is available, and to explore how you might use data to help you solve your problems.

We customize our approach to suit your needs

We can support your efforts to explore the data landscape, and work out whether the data you need is available, and how it might be used.

We can help you to use the data you need to design and implement effective strategies for solving the problems you face.

Joel Salas Suarez
INAI, Mexico

“Global Integrity is a strategic ally of INAI in the development of approaches that contribute to the consolidation of more open fiscal governance in Mexico. In strong collaboration with them, we have implemented an agenda of following the money, and strengthening openness, in many subnational governments across the country.”