State Integrity Investigation 2015 – Methodology

The State Integrity Investigation assesses the existence, effectiveness, and accessibility (i.e. citizen access) of key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through a qualitative and indicator-based research process.

A first round of inquiry was conducted in 2011 and published in 2012, assessing the state of integrity in all 50 states. In 2014, Global Integrity again partnered with the Center for Public Integrity to embark on a second round of research. The indicators diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the institutional safeguards applied against corruption in each state – mechanisms of openness, transparency, and accountability – rather than corruption itself. The indicators comprise 13 sections divided into 92 de jure indicators, 153 de facto indicators.

Please see our site with partners The Center for Public Integrity for more information on the methodology of the State Integrity Investigation.


Johannes Tonn
Johannes Tonn
November 9, 2015